Monday, January 12, 2009


So, I'm going to vent about my day. Scenario of the morning: we will call this student Billy. For the record I do not have a Billy.
Background: It is less than a week until semester ends and the kids are on the downhill slope for being out of my class and into another semester class. Billy has a 52%. A 52% is REALLY hard to get in my class. Things are REALLY clear cut and obvious. 52%=irresponsible.
Billy: "Hey Ms. Harrison. I was looking at my grades today and I noticed that I have a 52%."
Me: Yep, sure do. Did you not get the progress report I sent home 4 weeks ago?"
Billy: "Um, no." But what can I do to raise my grade? Do you have extra credit?"
Me; Not even changing expressions: "Nope you earned that one. Maybe you should have asked me 4 weeks ago when you had time to make it up."
Me: Just thinking...not saying...Billy I can't even think of an extra credit that would help you with that 52%
Billy: "Oh, so what should I do?"
Me: "Learn from this lesson. You get a 52%."
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I write this as if I am surprised....not so. What ever happened to RESPONSIBILITY?? WE were all responsible people weren't we? Do I sound old?
That's all.


Alisha said...

wow. 52!

4 cute chicks said...

I love the teacher that is YOU. I'm going to admit that in my Jr High years I had an F at one point in Mr. Jacksons English class and had the "extra credit" talk. Ya wanna know what the F'er made me do? One handed push ups!! Its a G.D. good thing I was really strong back then, cuz I HATED english. Hopefully little Billy will learn his lesson. I know I did.