Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hi happy family and friends! Well the time has come- Kris popped the question on Monday, Feb. 15th! He got me this beautiful ring and I am in love with him and in love with IT!! I absolutely LOVE it. We started out the weekend with a trip to Reno and stayed at a beautiful room at the JA Nugget. We went to a movie and had dinner- but the ring wasn't ready yet! (I had no idea, but got the story later.) After much pain in the butt and a few trips to Reno, Kris picked up the ring on Monday night and asked me then- it was perfect and could not have asked for a better way. I thought it was an amazing weekend even without that, but am happy to announce our engagement. We are excited to be taking the next step and thought we'd share it with all of you. Thanks for all the well wishes that we have already received!!


Rasmussen boys and 1 girl! said...

Let me just say that I am so happy for my best friend in the whole world! You are going to make an amazing wife!!!

Anonymous said...

your ring is beautiful!!! congrats on the engagment. may your lives together be long.