Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sturgis UPDATE it has taken me a couple days (and forever to upload the pics) to recover from our Sturgis trip. There are LOTS more pics, but blogger seems to take forever to get them all organized...I know you understand!
Sturgis trip 2009 was 3,000 miles round trip. I did EVERY mile on the was LONG. We saw some beautiful country side and managed to make it through the wind, sun and rain. We also came out ALIVE at Sturgis...despite the crazies and the half naked women that needed to put some clothes on! SEE BELOW! It rained 3 out of 4 night on South Dakota, and we were TENT camping. YES ladies and gentleman, this girl tent camped for 10 days:)

See pictures for more info~

Pocatello, ID was the first's me by the homestead:

Then we went to Yellowstone. If you have not seen it you need to...the natural geysers and beautiful scenery is amazing!

Next night was Cody, WY....we were only there one night. They said that it was S'MORES night, but when we got there, NO S'MORES! BOO KOA campgrounds!
So, we carried on to Sturgis~
Yes, that lady is wearing candy pasties and candy panties. She thought she was IT....eww! The pic of the motorcycle tank is from an artist that did paintings/pin striping right there while you wait! Pretty amazing!
Next we saw Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial....this was my favorite day!
Then we went down the "NEEDLES HWY." That was pretty some good shots of the Black Hills and enjoyed our ride:) Then, once back at camp...I got my S'MORES:)
All in all it was a great time....unforgettable. I don't know that I will do it again, maybe next time it will be a "MAN" trip! But....even after 3,000 miles and tent camping...he still LOVES me!


Allissa said...

Since my face is not booked I’ve been waiting patiently for your post. Loved the pictures especially the s’mores picture. Kevin still wants to make s’moreo’s. We might try them on our BBQ. :) I’m glad you fun! And how cute was Kris with his I love you sign while driving. He Rocks!

4 cute chicks said...

Holy Hell!! You are one tough woman. There is no way I could do what you did and come out smiling. I'm glad you had a great time and I can't wait to see you next year with your edible outfit. Don't be a hater. :-)
Glad you made it home safe.
Love YOU!!

Aubrey said...

What a trooper! I would have a hard time tent camping for one night much less 10! Looks like a great adventure though.

Alisha said...

very cool. i'd love to do that!
hey, at least she has on a real thong under her candy one.