Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to Kris!!

Kris is turning another year older tomorrow. Since we have to finally go back to work on his actual birthday, we celebrated this weekend. We went over to his mom Sharon's house and celebrated with his favorite dinner and German Chocolate Birthday Cake. He also seems to think that he is the MASTER of Scrabble and any other fun-family-game you can think of. WELL....he was wrong!! It turns out that I am the master of the card game Phase-10 and Sharon is the master of SCRABBLE. As the night went on and we became more tired the words got to be pretty interesting!! We really know how to party! ahahaha:) There were also a few funny quotes during the night that are worth mentioning......see captions below!

Here is the birthday boy himself. His cake would not be complete without the miniature chopper motorcycle!
Thanks to Sharon for making a wonderful dinner and the cake. And for beating Kris at Scrabble!

And then there is Steph~ she had her gameface on all night.....she is so fun. I think she even likes me more than her brother:)

Okay...funny quote of the evening. We were on our last round of scrabble and Steph says "alright you I'm going to start playing for points!" (Well isn't that the object of the game.....?) This is her saying....."it's on now...playin' for points!"Happy Birthday my love!!!

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