IS HARD WORK.... Most of you already know that my mom's cancer came back. I'm going to use this blog to update everyone of her condition....and hopefully of her progress and recovery. Right now she is on her second round of chemo and we are waiting for it to kick in. She still has pretty bad lymphodema in her arms and legs but each time I visit her it looks a bit better. She still wants someone to stay with her at night so me, my sister and my dad have been trading off shifts. Sometimes I have to go over during the week and she doesn't sleep very well at night so that means a long evening.....and an even longer work day! (For some reason 200+ junior high kids seem to wear me out!)
She is moving around a lot more but still has to be on the oxygen 24/7. The doctors are tapping her lungs (that's where they go in and suck the fluid out with a needle and tube) about every 3-4 days but the oncologist wants her to try and wait 4-5 days instead....we will see. Last time they got about 150ml less than they did the time before that so keep her in your thoughts and pray that the chemo is working.
For anyone who has or will have to go through this it really puts things into perspective as far as importance goes. All the little things seem to not matter as much and you tend to treasure the little moments you have with your close friends and family!
Here's to you getting better mamma!
you are an amazing daughter!
I have the most special family. Don't ever forget how important they are. Mom
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