Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mom Update: Week of 09/15/08

I stayed with my mom last night. She slept great!! We had a good talk and watched some T.V. This morning she enjoyed a little Starbucks and we sorted out some papers to be filed. Mom went in for a lung tap last week and they got 750ml. That is GREAT being as how three days before that they were getting 850ml+ each time they tapped. Here's to HOPING the chemo is drying it up!! She keeps her arm wrapped to help the pain of the lymphodema and we unwrapped it this morning to find that it looked A LOT better. If we can keep my DAD from bugging her ALL DAY we will be in good shape!! She and I believe that she is getting better each day. Next week, on Wednesday (I think) she goes in for her third chemo treatment. (Third one of this type of medicine.) Hey ma~ when you get better we are gonna have to hit the gym to get some of that muscle back! Keep the thoughts and prayers comin!! I know they are working!! Here is a pic of my mom and my new nephew, Brady. More info on him to come!

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